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signs of breast implant problems bondi junction nsw

Signs of Breast Implant Problems: Navigating the Complexities

In today’s age, advancements in medical procedures have allowed many individuals to alter and enhance their physical appearance. Breast augmentation is one of the most common procedures in this realm, where breast implants are used to get the desired breast size and shape. However, like any medical device or procedure, it’s not without complications. Recognising the signs of breast implant problems is crucial for timely intervention and optimal health outcomes.

Understanding Breast Implants

Breast implants have revolutionised the fields of cosmetic surgery and medical reconstruction, offering hope and enhanced self-esteem to many women worldwide. At their core, these devices aim to either augment or restore the size and shape of the breast.

There are two materials that implants come in:

  1. Silicone Implants: These implants contain silicone gel, which feels similar to natural breast tissue. If there is a leakage, the gel stays within the implant casing or escapes into the breast implant pocket. But, it does not collapse.
  2. Saline Implants: Filled with sterile saline solution, these implants are known for their safety profile. If the shell leaks, the implant will collapse, and the body will absorb and naturally expel the saline.

Each type has its own set of advantages. Silicone implants, for instance, are lauded for their natural feel, while saline implants provide a sense of security due to their harmless fill. On the flip side, both come with distinct challenges and potential complications, making personal research and consultations essential.

Signs of Breast Implant Problems

  1. Breast Pain: This is a common concern among breast implant patients. While some tenderness can be expected post-surgery, persistent or sudden onset pain can indicate problems like an implant rupture or capsular contracture.
  2. Unusual Swelling or Change in Breast Size: A sudden increase in the size of one breast could indicate a build-up of fluid around the implant, a sign of potential complications.
  3. Implant Rotation: If your breast shape suddenly appears distorted, it could be due to implant rotation, where the implant turns from its initial position.
  4. Hard Lumps: Palpable masses or hard lumps in the breast tissue or around the implant can be a cause for concern. While it might indicate scar tissue formation, ruling out conditions like breast cancer is crucial.
  5. Breast Sensation: Changes in breast or nipple sensation, be it increased sensitivity or numbness, might indicate nerve damage or other issues post-implant surgery.
  6. Implant Rupture: This refers to a tear or hole in the implant shell. Silicone implant ruptures are known as ‘silent ruptures’ because they might not present immediately noticeable symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used most commonly to detect these.
  7. Capsular Contracture: It’s a condition where the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing the breast to feel hard. Capsular contracture has four grades, ranging from Grade I, where the breast is soft and appears natural, to Grade IV, characterised by pain, hardening, and visible distortion.
  8. Systemic Symptoms: Often referred to in association with ‘breast implant illness’ (BII), there is a range of unexplained symptoms like fatigue, memory loss, joint pain, and brain fog. While BII is not officially recognised as a medical condition, many women report these symptoms.
  9. Implant Leaks or Deflation: Especially concerning saline implants, where a leak would result in the saline solution being absorbed and expelled by the body, causing a noticeable asymmetry in breast size.
    Breast Implants: Delving Deeper into Potential Concerns
    As medical technology evolves, the materials and techniques for breast implants are constantly improving. But, just as every coin has two sides, breast implants while enhancing the physical appearance and boosting self-esteem, do carry potential risks. Women can navigate these risks and make informed decisions with the right information.
    Understanding Breast Implant Illness (BII)
    Although mentioned earlier, the depth of breast implant illness (BII) requires further exploration. BII isn’t an officially recognised medical diagnosis. Still, it is a term that many patients and some medical professionals use to call a variety of symptoms that can develop after breast implant surgery.

breast implants bondi junction nsw

Symptoms Include:

    1. Chronic Fatigue: Persistent tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest.
    2. Cognitive Dysfunction: This can manifest as memory loss or difficulty concentrating and is sometimes referred to colloquially as ‘brain fog’.
    3. Reproductive Problems: Some women have reported issues like irregular menstrual cycles and other hormonal problems.
    4. Joint and Muscle Pain: Discomfort in these areas without any discernible cause.
    5. Other Autoimmune-like Symptoms: These might include allergies, skin issues, and other symptoms that indicate an immune system in overdrive.

While these symptoms are subjective and varied, their impact on a woman’s quality of life is significant. The exact cause of BII remains unclear, but it’s hypothesised that an immune system reaction to the implant or its components may be responsible.
Implant Rotation and Displacement

Implant rotation, especially with anatomically shaped implants, can lead to asymmetry and an unnatural appearance. Similarly, displacement can occur if the implant moves below the natural crease of the breast (known as ‘bottoming out’) or moves towards the sides.


Rippling or wrinkling refers to the appearance or feel of ripples beneath the skin’s surface. This is more common in saline implants and patients with thin breast tissue or low body fat.


A rare but noteworthy issue is galactorrhea, where women with breast implants produce breast milk outside of pregnancy or breastfeeding. This can be caused by undue pressure on the chest wall or stimulation during surgery, leading to elevated prolactin levels.

Breast Feeding with Implants

While most women with breast implants can breastfeed without issues, the surgical procedure can sometimes affect the milk ducts, making breastfeeding challenging. It’s essential for women considering future pregnancies to discuss potential risks and implant placement options with their surgeons.

Over and Underfilling of Saline Implants

Saline implants have a specified fill range. Underfilling can lead to increased wrinkling and a higher chance of deflation. In contrast, overfilling can put undue stress on the implant shell, making it feel firmer and potentially reducing its lifespan.

Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

A rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, BIA-ALCL, is found in the fluid and scar tissue around the implant. It’s more commonly associated with textured implants. Symptoms include consistent pain or swelling around the implant. While BIA-ALCL is treatable, it requires prompt medical attention.

Loss of Breast Sensation

The surgical process can, at times, affect the sensory nerves. Some women might experience decreased or complete loss of sensation in the breast area or nipple. It is generally temporary but, in some cases, permanent.

Infection and Bleeding

Post-surgical infection, though rare, is a potential risk with any surgical procedure. Signs include redness, swelling, and warmth around the surgical site. Additionally, bleeding can occur within the first few hours post-surgery and might require another surgery to address it.

breast-implants bondi junction nsw

Aesthetic Concerns

Not all concerns are health-related. Some women might be dissatisfied with the appearance of their implants. This could relate to size, shape, or positioning, leading them to seek further surgical intervention for adjustments.

Implant Age and Lifespan

While breast implants don’t have an exact ‘expiry date’, they aren’t considered lifetime devices. The longer a woman has implants, the higher the likelihood of implant-related complications and the need for additional surgeries.


Scarring can be caused after any surgical procedure. Hypertrophic scars or keloids can develop, which are raised, red scars that can be itchy or painful.

Monitoring Implants and Regular Check-ups

Given the range of potential complications, regular monitoring of breast implants is crucial. Routine mammograms, MRIs, and regular check-ups with the cosmetic surgeon can help detect issues early on. For silicone implants, MRI screenings are recommended three years post-surgery and every two years after that to detect silent ruptures.

Consideration for Implant Removal

For various reasons, be it complications, dissatisfaction, or personal preference, some women choose to have their breast implants removed. This can be done with or without a replacement implant. Some might also opt for a breast lift after surgical removal to address sagging.

When to See a Surgeon

Spotting a problem early can make all the difference in managing breast implant complications. The initial signs might be subtle, but any noticeable change in your breast’s appearance or any unusual sensations should be a reason for concern.

You should urgently consult your cosmetic surgeon if you:

  • Detect an infection, often marked by redness, warmth, and unusual discharge from the surgical site.
  • Notice asymmetry where one breast is positioned higher than the other or feels different.
  • Experience unusual swelling or pain not linked to recent physical activity or injury.

Prompt consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon ensures a thorough evaluation, diagnosis, and guidance on the next best steps. Whether it’s corrective surgery to reposition an implant, procedures to manage capsular contracture, or, in more serious cases, complete implant removal, it’s paramount to act without delay.

Prevention and Considerations

Opting for breast implants, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, is a monumental decision that requires a blend of anticipation, preparation, and education.

Here’s how you can be proactive:

Research Thoroughly: Knowledge is power. The more you understand the intricacies of breast implant surgery, the potential complications, and post-operative care, the better prepared you’ll be. For example, there is no link between connective tissue disease and silicone breast implants if that’s a concern of yours.

Select a Reputable Surgeon: Your choice of surgeon plays a pivotal role in the outcome. An experienced, certified cosmetic surgeon ensures that the procedure is executed with precision and the highest standards of care. Look for certifications, reviews, and before-after portfolios to make an informed choice.

Follow Post-Op Instructions: Recovery is as crucial as the surgery itself. Adhering to guidelines about medications, activities, and sleep postures will aid in healing and reduce potential risks.

Regular Check-ups: Think of breast implants like any significant medical device or procedure. They require monitoring. By setting regular check-in appointments with your surgeon, you can catch potential issues early, ensuring longevity and maintaining aesthetics.

Be Informed: Stay vigilant. Being attuned to your body, understanding the tell-tale signs of complications, and acting promptly can prevent more severe health implications.

The Way Forward

In today’s age, it’s empowering to have the choice to modify one’s appearance as per individual desires. However, the key lies in being informed. While breast implants can provide the desired augmentation and shape, they come with potential risks. Recognising and addressing any signs of breast implant problems early on ensures optimal outcomes and overall well-being.

Choosing the right clinic and surgeon plays a pivotal role in this journey. If you’re considering breast implants or have concerns about existing implants, always turn to professionals who prioritise your health and aesthetics equally.

Contact Refine Clinic today to discuss any concerns, get a comprehensive evaluation, and chart the path to a safe and beautiful smile.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


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