Deep marionette lines on face are a sign of ageing and they become more prominent as you get older. Even though they only start appearing when you’re in your 40s lots of people dislike them because they can make you look like you’re unhappy. When they run deeper and become more prominent they can also contribute to facial sagging. Dermal fillers are one of the non-invasive options available to treat the appearance of marionette lines and other forms of facial wrinkles and creases.
What Are Marionette Lines?
So-named after string puppets, the marionette lines that develop with age are vertical creases that run from the corners of your mouth to your chin. The comment has been made that they can make it look like they can open and close your bottom jaw without the rest of your face moving – hence the reference to string puppets or marionettes. These lines are also colloquially referred to as a mouth frown as they can give your face a sad look.
Why Do Marionette Lines Form As We Get Older?
Marionette lines occur naturally as you talk, laugh and eat, using the muscles around your mouth. Remember that the skin around your mouth area tends to crease and wrinkle prematurely because it is thinner than on other parts of your face.
What Causes Marionette Lines On Face To Form?
As you age your skin naturally starts to lose elasticity. This is due to a reduction of collagen and elastin being produced and, coupled with the force of gravity, can cause a downturned appearance at the corners of your mouth. As a result, your skin just doesn’t bounce back the way that it used to when you were in your teens or 20s.
Dehydration, exposure to the sun, pollutants and oxidants, as well as stress and smoking can exacerbate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making them deeper. Genetics also play a role in where you develop wrinkles on your face – some people may not develop marionette lines at all whereas others may get them prominently or at an early age.
What Can Be Done To Treat Marionette Lines?
An invasive procedure like a facelift is only one option to treat marionette lines but surgeries have down-time and are not the right answer for everyone.

Fortunately there are quite a few interventions that can be done to improve the appearance of marionette lines and facial wrinkles around your mouth if this is your only skin concern. You will have a consultation with your surgeon to discuss your needs and wants before moving forward with any kind of treatment.
Using injectables like dermal fillers or Botox can significantly improve the signs of premature ageing. Your chances of side effects are minimal and you can return to your daily activities almost immediately.
Using Botox To Treat Marionette Lines On Face
Botox is one way to address marionette lines, and may be a good idea if yours are not too deep. Botox can prevent the creases from getting deeper as you age, as it relaxes the muscles under the skin it is injected into. Botox injections need to be redone every three to four months.
Using Dermal Fillers To Treat Marionette Lines
Dermal fillers can be used to address the hollows that form between the mouth and the chin. Dermal fillers also provide support at the corners of the mouth and hold the muscles up. Dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid may boost your skin’s natural production and can be recommended before the lines get too deep.
Even if you only want to address marionette lines, your surgeon may recommend dermal filler in other areas of your face: such as your cheeks or jaw, to contribute to a plumper, more youthful skin.
Dermal fillers are not permanent and may last for up to 18 months before the injectable is reabsorbed by your body, so you will need to have top up treatments to maintain a smooth complexion.
We find that one treatment is usually sufficient, but some patients may want to add more filler to plump the area up further. We recommend that you wait for at least four to six weeks after your treatment to decide if you would like to add more filler. If you are having hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, you should be able to see results straight away.
Will A Dermal Filler Be Painful?
The procedure is relatively quick and may be completed in as little as 30 minutes.
Using dermal filler to treat marionette lines can be uncomfortable, especially on the chin area, which tends to be more sensitive than other parts of the face. We make use of anaesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable.
Dermal Filler Aftercare
You might experience some mild swelling or bruising in the 48 to 72 hours after your dermal filler treatment. You should avoid rigorous physical activity and exercise for the 24-48 hour period after your treatment. We also recommend that you avoid very hot temperatures such as saunas. You should also avoid other kinds of beauty treatments such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion for at least two weeks afterwards.
Your surgeon will give you specific instructions for aftercare once you have had dermal filler and other injectables.
Would you like to know what your treatment options are to address marionette lines on face? Please contact us for a confidential appointment to discuss whether a face lift, Botox or dermal filler could work for you: (02) 8599 7161.